As the season resumes, there are many questions going through the minds of LA Clippers fans, especially with the trade deadline looming. Will the Clips make a move? Do they have what it takes to win it all this year? Who is the cutest Clipper?
To that end, we took to the internet. We invited questions and hot takes form all of Clipper Nation and selected a few to be answered here (if you don’t see your question answered, don’t worry! There will be another mailbag later.)
What are the most burning questions in the minds of the LA Clippers community?
Let’s get started with our first question, which comes to us from Distressed Kawhi Stan on Twitter:
LA Clippers Mailbag Question #1
According to Lue, he’s only used 25% of his playbook. How problematic can saving too much of the playbook can be when trying to develop chemistry on defense and offense? How do you execute in the playoffs when you don’t get a chance in real game time to get repetitions in?
This is a solid question, and one that has a lot of fans understandably worried as the LA Clippers get closer to the playoffs. Happily, it’s also one that has started to be answered by the time that has passed since this question was submitted.
Before the LA Clippers absolutely trounced the Golden State Warriors, Coach Lue was asked again about how much of his playbook has been implemented, and this time his answer was around half.
It seems like Lue’s plan is to sort of linearly implement his system as the season goes along; we were at 25% of the playbook roughly a quarter into the season, and now we’re at half of the playbook halfway through the year. I’m looking for the LA Clippers to be pretty comfortable with the entire playbook with a few weeks left in the season, so that they can get some of those in-game reps you’re talking about.
This is also part of my optimism for guys like Luke Kennard, who haven’t quite found their place in the offense yet – as Lue keeps implementing his system, hopefully those dudes can start to have more of a defined role in the rotation.
Let’s go on to our next question, from xicanoxl on Twitter: