Most Valuable Player: Patrick Beverley
Yes, Lou Williams is the best player on the Clippers, but that’s not what this award is. According to the Merrian-Webster Dictionary, value is defined as, “relative worth, utility, or importance”. Lou Williams is the best player on the Clippers, but Patrick Beverley is the most important.
Beverley isn’t the best offensive player on the team, but his defense and overall energy make him the most vital part to this Clippers team’s identity.
Night after night, Beverley takes on the most challenging defensive task. Most players would like to score on offense and take a breather on the other end, but not Beverley. If the Clippers are playing the Lakers, Beverley will take on LeBron James. It doesn’t matter that James is a four-time MVP and seven inches taller than him, Beverley doesn’t care. He is the best at everything not recorded on the box score. Even against elite scorers who cannot be stopped like Kevin Durant, Beverley will still annoy and pester them to the point where they consider taking the ejection.
The way Patrick Beverley carries himself resembles this Clippers team as a whole. They grind out wins. There are no stars carrying the burden. They have wins by committee. If one player is struggling, his teammates can cover his slack until they are back to contributing normally. Beverley plays with an energy unlike any other player in the NBA. Patrick Beverley is the LA Clippers. Patrick Beverley is their MVP.