Logan Rapp
Which I suppose dives right into my next question: What matchups are best for the Clippers’ first round?
Seth Kimbrell
Gotta be Portland, right?
Logan Rapp
Seems like y’all are saying Portland, which seems pretty solid considering their situation.
Cannon Wonderlich
Garrett Chorpenning
Without a doubt Portland
Matt Chong
Portland is the ideal opponent with probably Houston and Utah behind them. I mean, those are basically the only options anyway lol.
Paul Tooke
Cannon Wonderlich
Really sucks for them. I wish injuries on no one and that Nurkic injury was the worst I’ve seen since Kevin Ware’s
Garrett Chorpenning
They’re still a great team, and usually I would worry about a team taking them lightly in the playoffs because they’ve got health issues. I just can’t imagine this Clippers team giving anything less than their best
Logan Rapp
With Kanter in the place of Nurk, it changes the equation dramatically. “Pick n’ Roll at 00 every time”
Matt Chong
Haha, absolutely.
Paul Tooke
I’m just glad our team is healthy
Cannon Wonderlich
Zach Collins should get more minutes. He’s been great when given the opportunity this season
Paul Tooke
Knock on wood
Garrett Chorpenning
*violently pounds table with fists*