Logan Rapp [6:13 PM]
Which I suppose dives right into my next question: What matchups are best for the Clippers’ first round?
Seth Kimbrell [6:14 PM]
Gotta be Portland, right?
Logan Rapp [6:14 PM]
Seems like y’all are saying Portland, which seems pretty solid considering their situation.
Cannon Wonderlich [6:14 PM]
Garrett Chorpenning [6:14 PM]
Without a doubt Portland
Matt Chong [6:14 PM]
Portland is the ideal opponent with probably Houston and Utah behind them. I mean, those are basically the only options anyway lol.
Paul Tooke[6:14 PM]
Cannon Wonderlich [6:15 PM]
Really sucks for them. I wish injuries on no one and that Nurkic injury was the worst I’ve seen since Kevin Ware’s
Garrett Chorpenning [6:15 PM]
They’re still a great team, and usually I would worry about a team taking them lightly in the playoffs because they’ve got health issues. I just can’t imagine this Clippers team giving anything less than their best
Logan Rapp [6:15 PM]
With Kanter in the place of Nurk, it changes the equation dramatically. “Pick n’ Roll at 00 every time”
Matt Chong [6:16 PM]
Haha, absolutely.
Paul Tooke [6:16 PM]
I’m just glad our team is healthy
Cannon Wonderlich [6:16 PM]
Zach Collins should get more minutes. He’s been great when given the opportunity this season
Paul Tooke [6:16 PM]
Knock on wood
Garrett Chorpenning [6:16 PM]
*violently pounds table with fists*