With the playoffs right around the corner, members of the Clipperholics staff gathered in order to talk the postseason for the LA Clippers.
Editor’s Note: This Slack Chat took place on Tuesday, April 2. Enjoy.
Logan Rapp [6:03 PM]
Okay, the Clippers are 47-31 with four games to go in a season that saw them trading away their best player in Tobias Harris. Does Doc Rivers have Coach of the Year sewn up?
Cannon Wonderlich [6:04 PM]
Not quite
Seth Kimbrell [6:04 PM]
He should, but I feel like the voters might give it to Bud out with the Bucks
Cannon [6:04 PM]
I’m still taking Budenholzer
Ethan Smith [6:04 PM]
Doc is like a 75 year old retired grandmother, of course he had it sewn up
Garrett Chorpenning [6:04 PM]
I wouldn’t say sewn up, but he should absolutely be a top candidate right now. Malone and Budenholzer are right up there with him.
Paul Tooke [6:04 PM]
With plenty of other teams with underwhelming seasons, he’s got my vote.
Ethan Smith [6:05 PM]
But in all seriousness, Malone and Bud have done amazing work with better rosters
Jokic, Giannis, Middleton and others are better than our best player (Gallo)
Seth Kimbrell [6:05 PM]
If nothing else, Doc has reminded everybody that he’s an elite coach in the NBA
Matt Chong [6:05 PM]
Yeah, I think that realistically Doc is probably third in voting behind Bud and Malone.
Ryan Snellings [6:06 PM]
Logan Rapp [6:06 PM]
Thank you, Ryan.
Matt Chong [6:06 PM]
Editor’s Note: These guys don’t know how to have fun.
Ethan Smith [6:06 PM]
Isn’t it funny thought that we have the best MVP, COTY, ROTY and MIPOTY in a while all in one season?
Seth Kimbrell [6:07 PM]
Ethan, that’s a spicy “Middleton is better than Gallo” take you got there
Ethan Smith [6:07 PM]
Middleton was an All-Star (Man shrugging emoji)
Cannon [6:07 PM]
For me, Doc is behind the Mikes. What Doc has done is still incredible
Logan Rapp [6:07 PM]
I’m trying my best to forget The Unstatable Avery Bradley portion of the season.
Matt Chong [6:08 PM]
Gallo (if Tobias hadn’t been on the team) would probably have been an All-Star if he were in the East.
Ethan Smith [6:08 PM]
18/6/4 for Middleton vs 19/7/2 for Gallo, keeping in mind Gallo is a top scoring option while Middleton is behind Giannis and arguably Bledsoe
Paul Tooke [6:09 PM]
I was surprise when Middleton was selected
Matt Chong [6:09 PM]
I don’t even think he would necessarily be replacing Middleton. He would have probably beaten out Vuc.