Most players have some forgettable stints in their NBA careers, but do you remember all of these players on the Los Angeles Clippers?
The Los Angeles Clippers don’t have the most successful history in the NBA. They’ve had few stars who were mainstays on the team for a while, like Chris Paul, Bob McAdoo, and Elton Brand. Rather the loyal stars in their primes, the Clippers have had an overwhelming surplus of big name players who had very short tenures with the team. Whether it’s to wrap up their career, or it was a trade on an expiring contract, these select players were not Clippers for long. Here are 16 NBA players you may have forgotten were Clippers.
16. JamesOn Curry
You might be thinking, “who is that?”, and i’ll tell you. He was a highly recruited high schooler and is not related to Steph, Seth, or Dell. Despite all of his scouting, he holds the record for the shortest career in NBA history. He appeared in only one game where he played 3.9 seconds on an inbound play at the end of a game. Now he isn’t of the same legendary pedigree of the other people to come on this list, but he definitely deserves a mention for his time on the team. I’m thinking we need to get him a tribute video.