Tyrone Wallace: A+
Besides Lou Will and maybe Trezz, no player was more surprising for the Clippers this season than Tyrone Wallace.
As a two-way player, expectations for Wallace were low. And since he was coming in immediately after Jamil Wilson‘s contract had expired, some fans weren’t so happy that the team chose to bring in Wallace rather than signing Wilson.
It only took three games for Wallace to silence his critics and turn them into his biggest fans.
He made his NBA debut against the Golden State Warriors, a game in which he scored 13 points. He looked good, not great. Two nights later, Wallace put up 11 on the Hawks. It wasn’t until the following game, also against the Warriors, that Wallace shined bright.
In a 19-point victory at Oracle Arena, Wallace scored 22 points and recorded 6 rebounds and 4 assists. From then on, fans have been calling for the team to sign Wallace to a multi-year contract.
While the two sides have made progress on that kind of deal, they’re yet to reach an agreement. Hopefully Wallace can stay for a little longer. I think people like him.