@YaBoyYoungTrill asks: How do you think Doc has handled the playing time and player development of our rookies this season?
I think he has handled it pretty well. That being said, I think he has done so due to the circumstances. Thornwell and Evans may have gotten some minutes here and there if no one was injured, but I’m certain Harrell and Dekker would have been buried a lot more than they have been. (Although, now Harrell seems to be getting more time). Some of the most exciting moments have been when we had a group of young and hungry guys paired together on the court. I love the youth movement.
In terms of development, this is undoubtedly Doc’s best year as the coach of the LA Clippers. Seeing rookies play meaningful minutes was unheard of prior to this year, and even though injuries are likely why it’s happening now, it’s still happening. The playing time has been managed well too, but there have been some questionable times where Doc has opted to go young that have left me scratching my head.