[Transcript] Clippers introduce Spencer Hawes and Jordan Farmar


Earlier today, the Los Angeles Clippers introduced free agent signees Spencer Hawes and Jordan Farmar. Here is the full transcript of the introductory presser.

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Really excited to have these two guys. One of our goals at the end of last year when we looked at our basketball team was, we didn’t win it, but we were close, and we like our team, and so the decision we made, we just want to add to that. We want to just keep adding pieces to this puzzle to try and put us over. And I think with the signing of both of these guys here, Spencer and Jordan, I think we pushed ourselves closer to where we want to go, hopefully over. Time will tell on that. But I am really excited. We needed size. We needed shooting. We needed a guy that could play both positions, a guy that can pass. And we needed a replacement for DC and it’s nice, it must be the UCLA thing, if we lose at UCLA guy then go get another UCLA guy. Steve Alford would love that for sure. Again, that’s it for me. I’m just really excited. I can’t wait to work with them. It’s nice seeing Spencer dressed so nicely. And Jordan, I guess, dressed so summer nicely. That’s how we are. But, I’m more excited about having them in the fold and this would be a great day for us.

Well, for me I’m definitely excited to be here. I don’t have to go to far. The direction of this team and the organization was really what put me over the top, sitting down, speaking with Doc about what my role would be. The potential for great things to happen in this organization is what really helped me make that decision easy.

“The potential for great things to happen in this organization is what really helped me make that decision easy” – Jordan Farmar

Similar to Jordan, just thrilled to be here and the opportunity to come into the organization, the team, a group of guys that I think is right on the precipice of taking that next step and seeing how I can fit in, hopefully contributing to that is extremely exciting for me. I just can’t wait to get started. Like Doc said it’s going to be a lot of fun this year. Playing with this group I think that there is a lot of potential and I’m excited. Watching them play in the past, seeing how much fun they have and their chemistry out on the court, it’s something that I’ve wanted to be apart of for a while and having the opportunity now, I’m very thankful.

Doc, why did you target these guys?

I thought they were a good fit for the way we play; both of ‘em. Shooting is obviously very important to all teams as you can see with all the signings around the league. I like that they have league experience. Jordan’s won a title, one I can’t stand that he won. I just count one. I just count the 2009 one. ’10 we don’t talk about. But that’s important, especially at that position. And backing up Chris, going back and forth playing 2 as we did with DC and Chris. I thought that was great. I thought the thing that we needed all year, you can see it and everyone talked about it, we talked about it after we drafted, was size. We needed more size and we needed more skill. So with Spencer, he was our target. We pretty much called him very early. It wasn’t early for [Hawes]. You were out West. But, the moment we could make a call, those were our calls because we thought he was important. We’re just really happy to have him.

Jordan for you. Were you surprised to hear from Doc so early in the process?

He was. He was definitely the first person I spoke to. I had just landed in LAX and my phone started ringing soon as I got service. He was the first person to call and he kept calling. He was persistent and that was a good feeling to feel wanted and to feel like you can be apart of something special.

“Playing with this group I think that there is a lot of potential and I’m excited.” – Spencer Hawes

Okay Jordan! I’m looking for an honest answer here: I remember when you signed with the Lakers and it was a dream come true for because it was the Lakers. You grew up here it was the Lakers. Did you ever imagine yourself signing with the Clippers?

No I didn’t imagine myself signing with the Clippers. I didn’t imagine myself playing overseas. Life has a little funny way of working itself out and I’m blessed with this great opportunity. I’m fortunate that I’m wanted here and I’m happy to be here and look forward to the future.

[Inaudible question about Farmar-Lakers]

A little bit, but that’s part of the business. That’s just how it goes sometimes. They had their plan and their mission and they’re sticking to it and I wish them nothing but the best. We had some great times together, but now I’m focused on this organization and what we can do in the future.

Spencer, what has Doc told you about your role and what do you envision fitting in alongside Blake and DeAndre?

“The reason why I really like Spencer is because he can play behind both” – Doc Rivers

Well, I think the way I play will be a compliment to those guys. Obviously the pressure they put on the defense every time either one of them is rolling toward the hoop. I think being able to play with either one of those guys and space the floor and make it easier, not just for them, but for everybody else to get easy shots on offense. And then on defense, playing with either one of them at that size, especially if you can get two seven-footers back there, it kind of makes it easier on everyone. So I think there is a great opportunity to be able to play with either one of those guys. And I think over the course of the season I think it’ll pay its dividends.

Doc, I think Spencer averaged 30 minutes a game last year. Do you see him getting anywhere close to that?

Yeah I hope so. The reason why I really like Spencer is because he can play behind both. He can play with both guys. He can play with Blake, he can play with DJ, and I thought the 3-man rotation of the bigs, that’s something that is really what you want if you can have that, and so yeah, I do. I mean I don’t know. We’ll see when the season starts. I just think it’ll be a great fit in that way.