Many people have taken to Twitter to crack jokes and share memes about President Donald Trump and his administration, but J.J. Redick isn’t amused.
“I’m actually horrified right now,” J.J. Redick told the media after the Clippers’ January 11 win over the Orlando Magic when asked about President Trump.
“People who are losing their healthcare, women who are losing their right to decide what to do with their body, that’s not funny to me. So you can joke about crowd size and all of that B.S. but it’s not funny.”
Redick was also asked about Chris Brown and Soulja Boy’s beef. However, that’s the least of his worries. J.J. told the media that he’s been “obsessed” over Trump lately. The press got a good laugh out of it. Of course, typical J.J. He’s more concerned with the economy, expensive watches, and politics. Two men beefing on Instagram is the least of his worries.
In today’s hot political climate, professional athletes are constantly being told to “stick to sports”. But J.J., among many other athletes, has used his platform to speak out against Trump along with other policies and injustices that impact the country.
“I’m actually horrified right now.”
J.J. sees the importance of keeping up with what’s going on in the world outside of NBA basketball. He also knows that athletes are not exempt from the influence of politics in America. Especially in the NBA, being that the league is recognized internationally and is working on expanding it’s reach around the world. Also, many of the league’s players are from foreign countries.
In the Country
President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” would have surely had an impact on the NBA. Players Luol Deng of the Los Angeles Lakers and Thon Maker of the Milwaukee Bucks are from Sudan; one of the countries Trump “banned” their immigrants from entering the United States. Had the immigration ban been implemented earlier than it was, the two players would have had trouble entering the country after playing their road games in Toronto. Thankfully, the Lakers and Bucks have already played their regular season games north of the border.

This vocalization about the current situation in America isn’t the first time the Clippers’ player has spoken out. In addition to speaking to the media, Redick also uses his podcast to voice his opinion on controversial topics and subjects that would normally be avoided in the sports world. During the Colin Kaepernick “saga”, J.J. had William C. Rhoden, a former New York Times columnist, on to talk about race relations in America.
With J.J. speaking out, among others, hopefully, more and more athletes will take advantage of their influence and use their voice to create change.